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Frequently Asked Questions

What are floating stairs?

Floating staircases are designed to hide the supporting structures, making it seem as if the stair treads are floating. Their clean lines and minimalist design make them a popular choice for open-concept homes. Our stairs are considered “prefabricated.” (Learn more about the prefabricated stair types here.)

These single (“mono”) stringer stairs are well-known for their design. (RELATED: What’s the difference between an open riser & a mono stringer?). Floating stairs are a great option for any project – indoor or outdoor, commercial or residential. You can choose from several types of railings and handrails (glass, cable, or rod railing are the most common) with components that can be hidden in the posts themselves to add to the “floating” look.

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How much does a floating staircase cost?

Because they’re so customizable, it’s hard to narrow down a typical cost, but Mono Stringer Floating Stairs generally range from $5,000 to $30,000. It’s possible to find cheaper systems, but those options are limited to a single standard use, so they may not actually fit your home the way you expect. Our Floating Stairs, on the other hand, are custom-designed, custom-engineered, and built to last for years – and they start at $14,500.

Buying a floating stair system is a lot like buying a car – factors like the model, finish, and trim all contribute to the final price. When buying floating stairs, you’ll need to consider your project’s floor-to-floor height, the number of turns your staircase will take, the type of wood species and stain color for your treads, and what type of railing you want.

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What railing options are available on floating stairs?

Our modern railings are the anchor of your floating stair system. Choose from cable, glass, or rod railing systems.

Rod Railing – Rods curve to transition up stairs or around corners, and they never sag over time.

Glass Railing – Creative standoff pin technology makes installation simple. Custom-order for outdoor, indoor, or coastal projects.

Cable Railing – Hidden components sit inside each post, so you never have exposed hardware.

Your railing system is a modern art installation. All posts are pre-drilled and shipped with your customizable components attached. Post heights available in 36”, 39”, or 42”.

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Does Viewrail cable railing meet code requirements?

Yes, all of our railing systems not only pass code, but far exceed most strength and safety requirements, including the 4” and 6” sphere rules, and all regulations for handrail or guardrail height. In fact, our post-to-post cable railing systems are certified by the International Code Council.

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How do I buy cable railing?

At Viewrail, you have three main options for buying cable railing. You can shop for Express cable railing, our most popular style and configuration (black metal posts, black metal handrail, cable infill). Since we always keep Express in stock, you can use the Express railing builder to find the parts you need and purchase them directly. They typically ship in 2 business days or less.

If you’re looking for something more custom, you can work with our designers to custom-engineer a Signature cable railing system for your style and space. This process takes a little longer, but you have much more control over the style, finishes, materials, price, and timeline of your project.

Though this is less common, you can also purchase our DriveTite cable kits, which enable you to drill cable wiring infill directly into new or existing wood posts.

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How much does glass railing cost?

The average price of a glass railing system ranges anywhere from $165-560 per linear foot —the price varies depending on the type of glass system you choose. Although glass railing can be pricey up front, it often may be less expensive than other railing types in the long run. This is because it’s easy to maintain, extremely durable, and lasts for years.

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How do I buy Viewrail glass railing?

Glass railing can be tricky, but we have narrowed it down to to 5 steps: Visualization, Engineering, Fabrication, Receiving & Installation, and Living. We’ll go over everything you need to know about buying your own glass railing system and getting maximum value from it.

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