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Glass Railing Installation

How to Install Glass Railing

Close up of Glass clips
Glass railing is the sleek, modern alternative to traditional guardrail systems. Strong and reliable, our tempered and laminate glass panels to never block your view. Use our level railing measurement guide below for all of our railing types.

Templates & Measuring

Want to learn how to measure your deck or run for glass railing? Learn how to here with these videos for each of our main glass railing systems:
How to Measure For Post to Post Our Glass Post-Post system is great for decks and simple to measure. Use this video to follow along with your measuring kit you received.
How to Measure For Glass Baserail The Glass Baserail & U-channel system can be measured with a few simple steps. Use this video to follow along with your measuring kit.
How to Measure for Glass Surface Talons Our Surface Talon system Looks great on decks. Use this video to follow along with your measuring kit you received.
How to Measure for Glass Ascend Talons Ascend Talons are our signature glass railing system. Use this video to follow along with your measuring kit you received.

Glass Railing Posts Install

Surface Mount Glass Railing Posts
The glass post railing system is made up of metal posts and glass clips. Each clip is made from 2205 duplex stainless steel. It grips the glass panels from both sides using rubber. Use the clips with normal glass, or secure them to pre-drilled glass with a bolt for extra strength.

Install Documents

Post Videos

Glass Railing Standoff Pins Install

frameless glass railing standoff pins
Polished, powerful, and discreet — the standoff bracket pin system consists of glass panels held up by 2” round metal pins. The pins may be small, but don’t underestimate them. Each weighs about 4 pounds and is made from 2205 duplex stainless steel, the same material used in high-traffic metal structures and oil rigs around the world.

How To Measure For Glass Railing – Surface Talons

To help you get exact measurements for your new glass railing system, we’ve sent you a glass railing measuring kit, this kit includes:

  • Post Layout Drawing
  • Template Guide
  • Wood Screws
  • Acrylic

Our plan is to help you gather the correct measurements seamlessly, so we can send them off to our engineering team quickly!

Step 1 – Identify Your First Run

To begin measuring for your new glass railing system, you’ll need to identify your first run. Inside the glass railing measuring kit there is a post layout drawing. Take that glass railing sheet and look for run #1. Once you find it, locate it on your deck so that you’re prepared for the next step

Step 2 – Using The Template

In the measuring kit, we’ve also included a template guide. In that guide, you’re going to have acrylic talon spigot templates. The Acrylic talon spigots represent the mounting foot and the termination to the glass. On the corner condition, or an outside corner condition like this, we are going to want to lay these templates taking into effect the outside overhang of the deck and the location of these mounting fasteners.

First: measure the overhang (in the video above we get 1” of overhang)

Second: Measure the outside.

The Goal: Assuming there’s an overhang we want to position these 1” from the outside to ensure that the mounting locations are directly back underneath the finished deck board. WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT: There needs to be proper mounting for the hardware for proper safety & code compliance.

Step 3 – Mounting Acrylic templates

With the correct offset, The next step is to align our glass edges so that we’ve got a 1” gap between these two glass edges. After gathering this information Once you have those two take your supplied screws and mount them in place.

Step 4 – Templating for Stairs

Now that we’ve got our corners set on the opposite end of the run, we’ve come to where the stairs are going to descend behind us, which is where we’ll set our second template. Taking into account, once again, the overhang, set the template exactly where it’s going to be mounted into solid material underneath. Remeasure the overhang to make sure it is the same as the previous one and directly in line with the opposite end. Once those two things are set, we’ll go ahead again and mount this second template.

Step 5 – Recording Information & Repeating

Once both templates are installed you can find the measurement of this run. When calculating this measurement, we want to find the measurement directly from one end of the template foot to the opposite end of that outside foot (when you’re hooking the tape measure you want to hook to the foot & not the end of the glass). After gathering the distance between the two feet, record it on the back side of the template guide. On the backside of the template Guide, you should have the run type & the distance of that run. Repeat this process through the rest of your level runs on your project. After that, it’s ready to be submitted to us for engineering!

Install Document

Install Video

Glass Railing Baserail Installation

Glass Balcony Railing
The glass base rail system is made up of a thin piece of metal that runs along the bottom of the railing, holding up each glass panel. The top of the glass panels can act as the handrail — so there’s no need to add a metal or wood handrail.

How To: Measuring For Glass U-Channel & Base Rail

To help you get exact measurements for your new glass railing system, we’ve sent you a glass railing measuring kit, this kit includes:

  • Post Layout Drawing
  • Template Guide
  • Wood Screws
  • Acrylic

Our plan is to help you gather the correct measurements seamlessly, so we can send them off to our engineering team quickly!

Step 1 – Identify Your First Run

In order to begin measuring for your new glass railing system, you’ll need to identify your first run. Inside the glass railing measuring kit there is a post layout drawing. Take that glass railing sheet and look for run #1. Once you find it, locate it on your deck so that you’re prepared for the next step.

Step 2 – How to Use the Base Rail Templates

In the base rail measuring kit there are two acrylic templates:

Acrylic piece for a Straight Run

Acrylic piece for a Corn termination

The Goal: Assuming there’s an overhang, we want to position these 1” from the outside to ensure that the mounting locations directly back underneath the finished deck board. WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT: There needs to be proper mounting for the hardware for proper safety & code compliance.

First: If an overhang exists, measure the overhang to the acrylic piece (in the video above we get 1” of overhang).

Second: Measure the outside edge to the outside edge.

Step 3 – Installing the Acrylic Pieces

Take the corner acrylic piece and place it in a corner, after accounting for the overhang, position the template and use the mounting screws to set it in place. Make sure to drill in the template to the backing underneath your deck. Once the template is set, we need to install the template on the opposite end. Take out the straight template and place it on the deck’s perimeter. Account for the overhand and mount this piece into the decking.

Step 4 – Measuring the Run

Now that both templates are set, measure the distance with your tape measure from the one template to the other. When doing this, hook the tape measure to the outside edge of the base rail template then go to the opposite end (in the video we get 143 ¼ ).

Step 5 – Recording the Run Type & Length

On the backside of the template guide, there are two things to fill out: run type & run length. For run type state one of the following: straight to straight, straight to corner, corner to straight, corner to corner. For run length, simply record the distance of the run length.

Install Documents

Glass Railing Talon Spigots Installation

Close Up of Glass Railing Spigots
The glass talon spigot system is made up of glass panels and spigot clamps. Talons come in two configurations: side mount and surface mount. Side mount spigots attach to the side of each glass panel, while surface mount spigots clamp the glass from the bottom.

Install Documents