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Signature Cable Railing Pricing

Product Type Price per Linear Foot
Aluminum Systems $150-240*
Stainless Steel Systems $215-285*

* Price ranges reflect average pricing based on intermediate customization choices and finishes, not including sales tax or shipping costs. Some projects may be subject to higher rates. It is possible to purchase railing systems for less than the lowest price in the range based on customization and finishing choices.

Cable Railing System Cost

A whole cable railing system, including posts, handrail, cable, and hardware, costs about $150-$285 per linear foot. The price of cable railing will vary greatly depending on what type of material you use, whether you use wood or metal posts, and the number of corners and runs of cable you need.

Cable Railing Cost

Wood Cable Railing Cost

Cable railing is compatible with both pre-existing and new wood posts. If you already have wooden posts and are looking to simply upgrade the railing system, your only major purchase will be the railing kit itself. Using our cable railing kits for wood posts (without purchasing new posts) will cost about $10-12 per linear foot. If you want to purchase new wood posts, the average cost ranges from $75 – $95 per linear foot. 

By far, wood is the cheapest option for posts. However, depending on the wood type and finish the cost of posts can increase. Additionally, wood posts need more maintenance and general care than aluminum and stainless steel posts.

Aluminum posts and handrail cable railing system near beach

Aluminum Cable Railing Posts

Using aluminum for your cable railing system will cost about $150-240 per linear foot, which is about 30% less than using stainless steel posts. Aluminum is versatile and easy to use for DIYers, which is why it’s included in our Express Cable Railing.  If you don’t require an extra layer of protection from harsh weather conditions, then this is a great option for your system.

Stainless Steel Cable Railing Posts

Using stainless steel on your cable railing system will give your railing extra strength and durability. It will cost $215-285 per linear foot, depending on the grade of your stainless steel. Viewrail offers 304 stainless steel and 2205 duplex stainless steel posts. 304 stainless steel is a great option for outdoor projects that are not near saltwater. 2205 duplex stainless steel posts are ideal for the toughest environments. This is the same material that is used on deep sea oil rigs, high-traffic tourist areas, and other coastal locations. Stainless steel cable railing posts will cost about $150 per post for 304 Stainless Steel, and $200 per post for 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel.

Learn more about the differences between aluminum and stainless steel posts.

Budgeting for Cable Railing: Avoid These Hidden Costs

When it comes to budgeting for any project, hidden costs can appear that could derail your whole endeavor. Budgeting for cable railing is no different. You might find that sticking to a plan can be way more difficult than you imagined – and all because of a cost you didn’t see coming. 

The most common unforeseen costs when it comes to cable railing include: infill measurements, corner posts, and stair and runway measurements. Let’s take a closer look at how you can avoid these costs as you plan your cable railing system.

Infill Measurements

A common mistake people can make when budgeting for cable railing is assuming the cable wiring automatically comes with the posts they purchased (or vice versa). However, because of the numerous options available for post materials and finishes, the cable needs to be purchased separately. Our cable wire infill comes on a spool in two different lengths – 100 feet or 400 feet. Both spools cost about $1 per linear foot.

Another budgetary mistake that people can make is ordering either too much or too little cable for your project. For example, some might assume that because they have a smaller space, they won’t need the longest option available. However, it’s important to remember that unforeseen circumstances can occur, such as cutting the cable wrong or forgetting to measure a portion of your space.

If you are unsure how much to purchase, contact us and we’ll help you find the perfect length.

Corners Add Cost

Corners can be tricky for both purchasing and installation. Most companies require you to use two posts in order to turn a corner. Obviously, this is an added cost that most people don’t realize is required and can cause unwanted stress for your project.

However, our Signature cable railing systems are engineered to only require one post to turn a corner. With our intuitive design, that extra cost is completely eliminated, as well as the extra, unwanted post cluttering up your view. (Express systems require two posts per corner.)

Stair and Runway Costs 

Lastly, when it comes to stairs and runways, some people forget that measurements are needed on both sides of the structure. These measurements are often the same on both sides, but can sometimes vary slightly, so be sure to measure both sides of a staircase, ramp, or walkway. Forgetting these measurements happens more often than you’d think, and can stall your project timeline while you wait for the proper parts to come in.